
Main office: direccion principal
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Our Locations
Avda. Sur de Altamira
Edif. Dumas, piso 7, ofic 38
Urb. Altamira Sur
Caracas –Venezuela
COP 1010
Edif. Dumas, piso 7, ofic 38
Urb. Altamira Sur
Caracas –Venezuela
COP 1010
+58 212 2671687
Ayacucho 1165
Piso 6 "D"
COP 1111
Buenos Aires - Argentina
+54 911 2894-9956
GBC is headquartered in Caracas; it has a branch in Buenos Aires and a staff of talented associated professionals in Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Miami, Los Angeles and Houston, that has allowed it to develop a trajectory of more than 20 years of experience in energy consulting, especially in the field of oil and gas in Latin America