About Us
GBC is an outsourcing consulting company focused on Latin American oil and energy business. The corporation is vertically integrated, in the sense that she provides to her clients advice, research, data analysis and interpretation on the fields of upstream, downstream and business environment. The most recently advise and consulting services rendered, provide good examples of works and expertise for GBC

We are a global consulting firm, with a multidisciplinary focus and approach, which advises executives on their projects, strategies and business decision making
Our expertise lies, in general, on the design, development and implementation of business STRATEGIES. We are based in Latin America but we are not limited to this geographic area
In particular, Global Business Consultants offers accurate strategic analysis of the oil and gas industries in Latin America, from an insiders perspective, utilizing some of the best talent that this industry has to offer
Specifically, our highly adaptive capacity is tailored to our customers needs. We are globally consulting firm regardless geographic area
General Management
Early Times the advising company focused on general management tasks. At that time balanced scored card, political advice, country risk analysis were some of the advising themes completed
Latin American Oil & Gas Consulting
GBC focused from 2003 on consulting of Latin America Oil&Gas. Main consulting advising duties related to the oil and gas industry value chain from Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego
Oil & Gas Training and Development
Since 2012 as mirror image of the topics of advising oil and Gas, GBC starting training a development program in house for a particular client as well as multiple companies participating workshops and Skills Development
Farm In – Farm Out Scouting & Service Contracts
Although is going beyond GBC core business, also Farm In Farm Out scouting activities were extensively explored at the request of specific clients
The clients of different Latin America countries scouting opportunities approached us requesting support to explore new business opportunities. After that through service contracts GBC was able to put the parties together (buyers & sellers) to close a deal
General Management
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Latin American Oil & Gas Consulting
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Oil & Gas Training and Development
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Farm In – Farm Out Scouting & Service Contracts
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Our Locations
Edif. Dumas, piso 7, ofic 38
Urb. Altamira Sur
Caracas –Venezuela
COP 1010
Ayacucho 1165
Piso 6 "D"
COP 1111
Buenos Aires - Argentina
GBC is headquartered in Caracas; it has a branch in Buenos Aires and a staff of talented associated professionals in Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Miami, Los Angeles and Houston, that has allowed it to develop a trajectory of more than 20 years of experience in energy consulting, especially in the field of oil and gas in Latin America