
GBC is a solid tool for evaluation of business opportunities in the energy area and especially in the oil & Gas industry We analyze industry trends for our clients, to detect and evaluate opportunities to improve their performance, in search of better corporate indicators. Optimize investment decisions and visualize strategies for the energy transition
Specializes in Energy Geopolitics and International Oil Markets addressing subjects like Geopolitical Factors and the Price of Oil, Geopolitics and Gas Price shocks

Upstream, Advises on E&P subjects such as Heavy Oil Analyses and Perspectives (upstream –processing—and environment implications) Crude Economics Expertise
Develop Price Formulas and blendings to optimize realization per barrel
Evaluation competitive technologies for Heavy Oil Business Development
Supply/Demand Perspectives for any Latin American Region (Energy/Oil Balances) and any country Gas Balance
Midstream Evaluation of oil and gas evacuation projects
Downstream, Consults on Refining Topics with on-going frequent and regular monitoring of those subjects like:
Simulation Models and Linear Programming applied to Refineries
Downstream Business Opportunities in Latin America
Oil & Product Marketing Strategies and Analysis of Futures, Options, Forward Market and the like

Politics impact individuals, communities, businesses, nations and the world in general. Global Business Consultants provides customers with effective tools to manage the implications of political change in any environment. This support is given through three types of services:
(a) Objective professional analyses on economic, social, military, and cultural issues related to domestic and international environments. Global Business Consultants analyses include visions for the short, medium and long term future through scenarios for those above mentioned dimensions
(b)Training sessions on strategies directed at managing political impact. Our professional political training allows you, your business or your community to think unemotionally about politics. When you have been trained by us you will either
i) have learned how “to live” under continuous political turbulences; or
ii) will know how “to act” politically, that is, how to use power to pressure others to issue policies that favor your interests
(c) Lobbying for you. If you reside in Venezuela and you want to advance an idea or a project, or to finance it, we can assist you in this task. If you reside abroad and are unfamiliar with the “opening of doors in Venezuela we can also help you

At Global Business Consultants we know that the global Oil & Gas industry must contribute to establishing an equal and fair society while respecting human rights, as well as rights in the world of work
All companies in the energy sector must maintain a genuine commitment to cultivating good relations with the communities of its operational environment. GBC can collaborate in the development of that Social Dialogue because we understand the importance of this relationship
With the support of their specialists in Corporate Social Responsibility we could collaborate in the review and validation of their corporate policies. Likewise, in the formulation and evaluation of projects that result in a sustainable improvement of the living conditions of theirs inhabitants. All this is aimed at achieving lasting agreements over time that guarantee a labor / neighborhood peace between the oil operators and a substantial improvement in the living conditions of these communities
The social dialogue framework can also be applied in thematic pathways such as opening services for communities and social inclusion programs

In many occasions, the best solution is to bring in-company training conducted by experts and specialized personnel from Global Business Consultants
Training Cases will be related to real company problems. Corporate employees will solve those cases under the direction of Global Business Consultants’ experts, thus guaranteeing the transfer of “know how”
Global Business Consultants offers a battery of courses in the following subjects (*)
(*) Course names are on their original language. Can be taught though either in English or Spanish
Oil and Gas
Marketing y Refinación.
Formación de Precios y Diferenciales (Márgenes)
La cadena de valor del petróleo.
El negocio del gas natural
Aspectos generales de la industria del gas licuado (LNG).
International Markets & Geopolitcs
- Geopolíticas del Gas vs. la del Petróleo.
- Mercados Petroleros en América Latina (Oportunidades de Negocio).
- Negociaciones Internacionales (el caso del Petróleo).
- Entorno Energético Mundial – El Mercado Petrolero Internacional.
Enviroment and Ecology
- Tratamiento y Disposición de Aguas Residuales de Producción Petrolera
- Tratamiento y Disposición de Desechos de Exploración y Producción Petrolera
- Prevención de la contaminación en la Producción Petrolera
- Inventario de Emisiones de instalaciones de Producción de Petróleo y Gas
Social Responsibility
- Conflictos Petroleros y Resolución
- Sindicalismo sustentable
- Manejo de Comunidades.
Legal Framework
- Sobre Entes Reguladores, Agencias y Comisiones de Energía, Petróleo y Gas Natural. Diseño de los mismos
- Diseño de Leyes de Hidrocarburos y sus Reglamentos
- Sobre Unificación de yacimientos de petróleo y gas natural

GBC offers its clients specialized areas for best project management
Conflict Resolution
Corporate workers deals, mergers and acquisitions, asset and equity purchases, major corporate decisions, all of these require negotiation processes
Global Business Consultants uses specialized techniques and software that facilitate the decision making process within your company
How to anticipate covert negotiation options?
Looking for niches here shared interests prevail would ensure the best possible outcome to a no deal at all
Our Locations
Edif. Dumas, piso 7, ofic 38
Urb. Altamira Sur
Caracas –Venezuela
COP 1010
Ayacucho 1165
Piso 6 "D"
COP 1111
Buenos Aires - Argentina
GBC is headquartered in Caracas; it has a branch in Buenos Aires and a staff of talented associated professionals in Buenos Aires, Bogotá, Miami, Los Angeles and Houston, that has allowed it to develop a trajectory of more than 20 years of experience in energy consulting, especially in the field of oil and gas in Latin America